Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2013
Generated 01-May-2013 07:57 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2013
Total Hits 355650
Total Files 105787
Total Pages 18377
Total Visits 6863
Total KBytes 69666830
Total Unique Sites 8076
Total Unique URLs 1952
Total Unique Referrers 2536
Total Unique User Agents 1900
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 493 41919
Hits per Day 11855 222518
Files per Day 3526 6601
Pages per Day 612 902
Sites per Day 269 612
Visits per Day 228 376
KBytes per Day 2322228 9661726
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 29.74% 105787
Code 206 - Partial Content 5.31% 18900
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 98
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.53% 5430
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 1
Code 404 - Not Found 63.38% 225410
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 24

Daily usage for April 2013

Daily Statistics for April 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 4586 1.29% 3930 3.72% 495 2.69% 237 3.45% 612 7.58% 2604278 3.74%
2 7868 2.21% 5249 4.96% 822 4.47% 254 3.70% 495 6.13% 8320209 11.94%
3 6461 1.82% 4448 4.20% 671 3.65% 273 3.98% 455 5.63% 3165721 4.54%
4 4415 1.24% 3652 3.45% 754 4.10% 254 3.70% 409 5.06% 1197644 1.72%
5 4271 1.20% 3258 3.08% 419 2.28% 206 3.00% 358 4.43% 9661726 13.87%
6 4370 1.23% 3735 3.53% 526 2.86% 191 2.78% 466 5.77% 1902522 2.73%
7 3571 1.00% 3029 2.86% 364 1.98% 172 2.51% 292 3.62% 992429 1.42%
8 4331 1.22% 3609 3.41% 386 2.10% 225 3.28% 397 4.92% 1077853 1.55%
9 6883 1.94% 3081 2.91% 549 2.99% 227 3.31% 408 5.05% 1471151 2.11%
10 5127 1.44% 3255 3.08% 425 2.31% 213 3.10% 383 4.74% 1079257 1.55%
11 4213 1.18% 3440 3.25% 524 2.85% 228 3.32% 387 4.79% 1131002 1.62%
12 222518 62.57% 3395 3.21% 541 2.94% 244 3.56% 356 4.41% 1372104 1.97%
13 3814 1.07% 2814 2.66% 598 3.25% 218 3.18% 285 3.53% 987054 1.42%
14 4240 1.19% 2579 2.44% 459 2.50% 178 2.59% 270 3.34% 1092483 1.57%
15 4358 1.23% 3641 3.44% 528 2.87% 244 3.56% 361 4.47% 1862184 2.67%
16 3926 1.10% 3261 3.08% 896 4.88% 244 3.56% 338 4.19% 3673477 5.27%
17 3500 0.98% 2951 2.79% 465 2.53% 199 2.90% 316 3.91% 2582131 3.71%
18 4716 1.33% 2833 2.68% 414 2.25% 192 2.80% 336 4.16% 1045694 1.50%
19 3661 1.03% 3164 2.99% 597 3.25% 260 3.79% 361 4.47% 1076557 1.55%
20 7546 2.12% 6601 6.24% 902 4.91% 376 5.48% 504 6.24% 3397226 4.88%
21 4893 1.38% 4037 3.82% 619 3.37% 249 3.63% 383 4.74% 1882008 2.70%
22 6360 1.79% 5123 4.84% 603 3.28% 286 4.17% 475 5.88% 2499883 3.59%
23 4072 1.14% 3394 3.21% 534 2.91% 251 3.66% 364 4.51% 1631871 2.34%
24 3640 1.02% 2855 2.70% 749 4.08% 211 3.07% 366 4.53% 1101037 1.58%
25 4014 1.13% 3314 3.13% 897 4.88% 224 3.26% 460 5.70% 4481369 6.43%
26 3894 1.09% 3305 3.12% 857 4.66% 227 3.31% 352 4.36% 799209 1.15%
27 2957 0.83% 2402 2.27% 671 3.65% 215 3.13% 306 3.79% 1733412 2.49%
28 3730 1.05% 3323 3.14% 695 3.78% 196 2.86% 325 4.02% 953992 1.37%
29 4047 1.14% 3191 3.02% 773 4.21% 199 2.90% 338 4.19% 3790304 5.44%
30 3668 1.03% 2918 2.76% 644 3.50% 189 2.75% 335 4.15% 1101043 1.58%

Hourly usage for April 2013

Hourly Statistics for April 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 142 4288 1.21% 116 3493 3.30% 28 862 4.69% 38559 1156781 1.66%
1 98 2967 0.83% 79 2398 2.27% 20 621 3.38% 92069 2762065 3.96%
2 58 1760 0.49% 47 1429 1.35% 15 450 2.45% 22272 668163 0.96%
3 63 1890 0.53% 52 1575 1.49% 14 439 2.39% 20859 625766 0.90%
4 62 1866 0.52% 51 1559 1.47% 24 738 4.02% 266226 7986785 11.46%
5 55 1669 0.47% 42 1279 1.21% 14 440 2.39% 18013 540387 0.78%
6 72 2165 0.61% 51 1540 1.46% 18 546 2.97% 17835 535035 0.77%
7 105 3164 0.89% 84 2529 2.39% 23 696 3.79% 25078 752332 1.08%
8 177 5315 1.49% 116 3506 3.31% 20 620 3.37% 37080 1112404 1.60%
9 232 6984 1.96% 162 4872 4.61% 29 873 4.75% 245156 7354674 10.56%
10 194 5848 1.64% 164 4934 4.66% 28 865 4.71% 30727 921798 1.32%
11 233 7006 1.97% 194 5832 5.51% 29 870 4.73% 79296 2378867 3.41%
12 244 7341 2.06% 198 5943 5.62% 25 770 4.19% 44587 1337606 1.92%
13 245 7358 2.07% 196 5903 5.58% 23 718 3.91% 44360 1330801 1.91%
14 1360 40800 11.47% 189 5679 5.37% 25 765 4.16% 41770 1253106 1.80%
15 1630 48909 13.75% 199 5970 5.64% 34 1036 5.64% 148427 4452808 6.39%
16 1649 49494 13.92% 206 6196 5.86% 35 1062 5.78% 41613 1248404 1.79%
17 1754 52648 14.80% 214 6429 6.08% 30 901 4.90% 95292 2858751 4.10%
18 951 28532 8.02% 204 6145 5.81% 40 1227 6.68% 525859 15775780 22.64%
19 1018 30559 8.59% 158 4763 4.50% 30 916 4.98% 162156 4864676 6.98%
20 803 24100 6.78% 182 5466 5.17% 24 723 3.93% 89106 2673186 3.84%
21 256 7694 2.16% 226 6792 6.42% 25 772 4.20% 111209 3336267 4.79%
22 237 7121 2.00% 213 6402 6.05% 25 771 4.20% 81947 2458400 3.53%
23 205 6172 1.74% 171 5153 4.87% 23 696 3.79% 42733 1281990 1.84%

Top 30 of 1952 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6940 1.95% 673845 0.97% /downloads/zeissphotman.pdf
2 5125 1.44% 732869 1.05% /downloads/d180x300_anleitung.pdf
3 3155 0.89% 1021 0.00% /assets/sf.css
4 3077 0.87% 10627 0.02% /assets/sd.css
5 3064 0.86% 13091 0.02% /assets/sc.css
6 2805 0.79% 17348 0.02% /
7 1662 0.47% 1426 0.00% /images/favicon.ico
8 1130 0.32% 449252 0.64% /downloads/bonnerspectralatlasvol1.pdf
9 710 0.20% 91655 0.13% /stats/usage_201303.html
10 659 0.19% 10980 0.02% /astrospektroskopie/richard-walkers-page/
11 615 0.17% 1545339 2.22% /downloads/emission-spectroscopy-2.0.pdf
12 573 0.16% 1879449 2.70% /downloads/analysis-and-interpretation-of-astronomical-sp.pdf
13 552 0.16% 4153363 5.96% /downloads/spectroscopic-atlas-4.0.pdf
14 504 0.14% 6031 0.01% /astrospektroskopie/linienspektren/chemische-experimente/
15 468 0.13% 80505 0.12% /downloads/epifluorescent_instruction_manual.pdf
16 466 0.13% 92281 0.13% /downloads/megalith-saeuliamt-ergaenzungen-vers-5_2.pdf
17 442 0.12% 91068 0.13% /downloads/meadeedapo.pdf
18 422 0.12% 4328 0.01% /fts.php
19 386 0.11% 6478 0.01% /astrofotografie/kleine-einfuehrung/
20 383 0.11% 134572 0.19% /downloads/sonnensystem-quasaren.pdf
21 354 0.10% 81346 0.12% /downloads/tutorial_dsi.pdf
22 335 0.09% 40333 0.06% /stats/usage_201304.html
23 331 0.09% 6113 0.01% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/die-10-gebote-der-amateurastronomie/
24 293 0.08% 8765 0.01% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/teleskop-und-montierung/
25 268 0.08% 2688 0.00% /stats/
26 267 0.08% 1806405 2.59% /downloads/fitswork_anleitung.pdf
27 259 0.07% 37142 0.05% /erfahrungsberichte/
28 257 0.07% 6471 0.01% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/astronomie-vs-astrologie/
29 246 0.07% 89815 0.13% /downloads/analyse-archaeoastronomischer-azimute-vers-3_5.pdf
30 232 0.07% 432342 0.62% /downloads/sques-relco-sc480-calibration-lines-1.2.pdf

Top 10 of 1952 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 21 0.01% 13526725 19.42% /downloads/
2 67 0.02% 13293984 19.08% /downloads/
3 5 0.00% 5914560 8.49% /downloads/gruppe1sbb5kgkb.avi
4 14 0.00% 5773786 8.29% /downloads/
5 552 0.16% 4153363 5.96% /downloads/spectroscopic-atlas-4.0.pdf
6 73 0.02% 2814160 4.04% /downloads/
7 573 0.16% 1879449 2.70% /downloads/analysis-and-interpretation-of-astronomical-sp.pdf
8 267 0.08% 1806405 2.59% /downloads/fitswork_anleitung.pdf
9 615 0.17% 1545339 2.22% /downloads/emission-spectroscopy-2.0.pdf
10 194 0.05% 1437486 2.06% /downloads/spectroscopic-atlas-3_0-english.pdf

Top 10 of 169 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2805 0.79% 1159 10.43% /
2 659 0.19% 894 8.04% /astrospektroskopie/richard-walkers-page/
3 386 0.11% 439 3.95% /astrofotografie/kleine-einfuehrung/
4 331 0.09% 368 3.31% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/die-10-gebote-der-amateurastronomie/
5 504 0.14% 347 3.12% /astrospektroskopie/linienspektren/chemische-experimente/
6 293 0.08% 330 2.97% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/teleskop-und-montierung/
7 257 0.07% 285 2.56% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/astronomie-vs-astrologie/
8 710 0.20% 279 2.51% /stats/usage_201303.html
9 259 0.07% 255 2.29% /erfahrungsberichte/
10 231 0.06% 251 2.26% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/astrofotografie/

Top 10 of 172 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2805 0.79% 899 8.73% /
2 659 0.19% 635 6.17% /astrospektroskopie/richard-walkers-page/
3 386 0.11% 346 3.36% /astrofotografie/kleine-einfuehrung/
4 504 0.14% 330 3.21% /astrospektroskopie/linienspektren/chemische-experimente/
5 710 0.20% 279 2.71% /stats/usage_201303.html
6 257 0.07% 274 2.66% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/astronomie-vs-astrologie/
7 331 0.09% 245 2.38% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/die-10-gebote-der-amateurastronomie/
8 293 0.08% 236 2.29% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/teleskop-und-montierung/
9 215 0.06% 217 2.11% /tipps-tricks-hinweise/benutzung-von-laserpointer-der-klasse-3r/
10 422 0.12% 201 1.95% /fts.php

Top 30 of 8076 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 218486 61.43% 0 0.00% 69130 0.10% 0 0.00%
2 12428 3.49% 10819 10.23% 1274604 1.83% 215 3.13%
3 9668 2.72% 9020 8.53% 3167659 4.55% 192 2.80% *
4 8726 2.45% 6079 5.75% 2856345 4.10% 425 6.19%
5 7830 2.20% 5557 5.25% 924702 1.33% 133 1.94%
6 7152 2.01% 122 0.12% 245678 0.35% 1 0.01%
7 7096 2.00% 6973 6.59% 242781 0.35% 0 0.00%
8 5449 1.53% 5239 4.95% 2460659 3.53% 133 1.94%
9 3176 0.89% 2714 2.57% 1098474 1.58% 68 0.99%
10 2877 0.81% 2651 2.51% 334705 0.48% 72 1.05%
11 1963 0.55% 1924 1.82% 202817 0.29% 47 0.68%
12 1877 0.53% 1877 1.77% 0 0.00% 74 1.08%
13 1877 0.53% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 74 1.08%
14 1689 0.47% 918 0.87% 529616 0.76% 264 3.85%
15 1689 0.47% 918 0.87% 529616 0.76% 264 3.85%
16 1464 0.41% 1393 1.32% 140838 0.20% 42 0.61%
17 1328 0.37% 1220 1.15% 304734 0.44% 28 0.41%
18 1203 0.34% 669 0.63% 510183 0.73% 230 3.35%
19 1203 0.34% 669 0.63% 510183 0.73% 230 3.35%
20 1060 0.30% 1059 1.00% 56892 0.08% 1 0.01%
21 1040 0.29% 1 0.00% 15125 0.02% 0 0.00%
22 1040 0.29% 1040 0.98% 15125 0.02% 0 0.00%
23 1021 0.29% 661 0.62% 41852 0.06% 42 0.61%
24 978 0.27% 939 0.89% 4086945 5.87% 1 0.01%
25 978 0.27% 939 0.89% 4086945 5.87% 1 0.01%
26 713 0.20% 622 0.59% 275920 0.40% 16 0.23%
27 704 0.20% 605 0.57% 8771 0.01% 43 0.63%
28 704 0.20% 605 0.57% 8771 0.01% 43 0.63%
29 686 0.19% 685 0.65% 23998 0.03% 0 0.00%
30 668 0.19% 668 0.63% 16557 0.02% 51 0.74%

Top 10 of 8076 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 95 0.03% 94 0.09% 7480712 10.74% 1 0.01%
2 95 0.03% 83 0.08% 7480712 10.74% 1 0.01%
3 978 0.27% 939 0.89% 4086945 5.87% 1 0.01%
4 978 0.27% 939 0.89% 4086945 5.87% 1 0.01%
5 538 0.15% 440 0.42% 3476505 4.99% 12 0.17%
6 77 0.02% 73 0.07% 3178730 4.56% 1 0.01%
7 9668 2.72% 9020 8.53% 3167659 4.55% 192 2.80% *
8 8726 2.45% 6079 5.75% 2856345 4.10% 425 6.19%
9 5449 1.53% 5239 4.95% 2460659 3.53% 133 1.94%
10 394 0.11% 207 0.20% 2376431 3.41% 147 2.14%

Top 30 of 2536 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1157 0.33%
2 669 0.19%
3 600 0.17%
4 428 0.12%
5 340 0.10%
6 308 0.09%
7 272 0.08%
8 248 0.07% Yahoo!
9 184 0.05%
10 180 0.05%
11 161 0.05%
12 149 0.04%
13 134 0.04%
14 109 0.03%
15 98 0.03%
16 95 0.03%
17 92 0.03%
18 80 0.02%
19 73 0.02%
20 65 0.02%
21 64 0.02%
22 61 0.02%
23 58 0.02%
24 56 0.02%
25 56 0.02%
26 53 0.01%
27 50 0.01%
28 44 0.01%
29 42 0.01%
30 41 0.01%

Top 20 of 64 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 6.67% hubble teleskop
2 2 2.67% einscheinern
3 2 2.67% hubble
4 2 2.67% hubble pictures
5 2 2.67% laserklasse 3r
6 2 2.67% motorfokussierer selbstbau
7 2 2.67% visuelle grenzgröße
8 2 2.67%
9 1 1.33% 10 gebote
10 1 1.33% astro montierung vibrationsdämpfung
11 1 1.33% astroart 5 anleitung deutsch
12 1 1.33% astroart tutorial
13 1 1.33% astrofotografie
14 1 1.33% astrofotografie mit dslr scharfstellen
15 1 1.33% astrologie und veränderung des sternenhimmels
16 1 1.33% astrologie vs astronomie
17 1 1.33% astronomie vs astrologie
18 1 1.33% aufspalten von licht
19 1 1.33% azimutale nachführung elektronisch
20 1 1.33% beobachtungsplatz teleskop

Top 15 of 1900 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 300142 84.39% Netscape
2 44673 12.56% Micro$oft Internet Exploder
3 3962 1.11% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
4 3264 0.92% Opera
5 608 0.17% Googlebot-Image/1.0
6 322 0.09% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
7 195 0.05% Wotbox/2.01 (+
8 194 0.05% Sosospider+(+
9 157 0.04% BacklinkCrawler (
10 141 0.04% ia_archiver (+;
11 105 0.03% Apple Mac OS X v10.6.8 CoreMedia v1.0.0.10K549
12 85 0.02% Netscape 6.0; WinNT6.1
13 77 0.02% Google/ CFNetwork/609.1.4 Darwin/13.0.0
14 77 0.02% Java/1.4.1_04
15 66 0.02% SAMSUNG-SGH-E250/1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0 (compatible; Googlebot-

Usage by Country for April 2013

Top 30 of 79 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 235606 66.25% 15300 14.46% 19513104 28.01% Unresolved/Unknown
2 28678 8.06% 27396 25.90% 9982275 14.33% Network (net)
3 28012 7.88% 26826 25.36% 10616715 15.24% Germany
4 18951 5.33% 17311 16.36% 2660923 3.82% Switzerland
5 18946 5.33% 14101 13.33% 12578978 18.06% Commercial (com)
6 7169 2.02% 7041 6.66% 251956 0.36% Japan
7 5874 1.65% 5377 5.08% 2963722 4.25% Austria
8 2049 0.58% 2002 1.89% 4252219 6.10% Russian Federation
9 1489 0.42% 1290 1.22% 169166 0.24% Netherlands
10 1317 0.37% 1081 1.02% 3720626 5.34% Italy
11 1040 0.29% 1040 0.98% 15125 0.02% Latvia
12 740 0.21% 678 0.64% 287234 0.41% France
13 509 0.14% 468 0.44% 181743 0.26% Belgium
14 450 0.13% 424 0.40% 27401 0.04% Czech Republic
15 355 0.10% 260 0.25% 204628 0.29% Educational (edu)
16 351 0.10% 337 0.32% 318148 0.46% Poland
17 327 0.09% 312 0.29% 243289 0.35% Australia
18 324 0.09% 321 0.30% 53461 0.08% South Africa
19 315 0.09% 296 0.28% 159892 0.23% Canada
20 254 0.07% 238 0.22% 30392 0.04% Ukraine
21 230 0.06% 227 0.21% 70640 0.10% Romania
22 226 0.06% 178 0.17% 88738 0.13% Norway
23 217 0.06% 215 0.20% 70366 0.10% Mexico
24 214 0.06% 213 0.20% 16155 0.02% Luxembourg
25 186 0.05% 123 0.12% 10896 0.02% Turkey
26 165 0.05% 98 0.09% 124409 0.18% Spain
27 159 0.04% 150 0.14% 206629 0.30% Brazil
28 143 0.04% 140 0.13% 5318 0.01% Sweden
29 127 0.04% 117 0.11% 26445 0.04% Greece
30 121 0.03% 119 0.11% 81839 0.12% China

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